I've had many pets in my life. Here are some of the pets I've had in the past and some I still have.We currently have 5 cats and one Parson's Jack Russell dog.
Past Pets:
Armand - Manny (nickname for Armand) was a 4ft. long Ball Python. I had him for about a year. We moved in with some asshole who said the house we were living in was his and come to find out it was not. So the cops had come there when we were away and my best guess is that they took Armand. At the time I was too upset to think clearly so I did not go and claim him. Its just as well anyways because we ended up being homeless and I could not have cared for him as I should have. He was a very sweet loving snake. |
Spot - Spot was 12 when she passed away from abdominal tumors. She was my baby, may familiar. Spot alerted me when my sister/roommate Connie was having a stroke and could not talk. |
Armand - Again here's Manny. He was such a good, docile snake that he once stopped in mid-strike because I had taken my hand and flicked the mouse back into the box for him. After that we did not feed him live mice. |
Current Pets:
Left to Right Starting In The Center - Varuna (10), Pandora (8), Anaith (8), Ra (12), & Isabella (9). We currently have all 5 of those. Right now Isabella is really sick though and we fear we might lose her. |
Ra - Ra was in a littler from my baby girl Spot. She weighed 7 pounds. Ra weighs about 25 pounds now. |
Kittie Pinwheel - Varuna & Anaith. Anaith is the small black and white kittie. |
Anaith & Varuna - Varu is telling Anaith that he does not want to groom her anymore right now. LOL |
Unhappy Ra - Why was Ra unhappy you ask? Because we put him in a baby pajama top so that he would not lick at a wound he had on his leg after getting out of his cast from breaking his paw. |
Unhappy Ra 2: The Sequel - LOL Just better light on this one, and yes, the cat was still unhappy. He just looked at us like, "Seriously? You are putting me in this thing?!?!" |
Mauw Mauw - Our little energetic Jack Russell. |
Mauw Mauw - Our little energetic Jack Russell. |
Mauw Mauw - Our little energetic Jack Russell. |
Mauw Mauw - Our little energetic Jack Russell. |
Varuna, Ra, & Isabella - Large kittie pinwheel. |
Anaith - We have a couple of nick names for her. She is so cute that her ears wiggle when she meows. We call her Nick Knack because she will sit still on a shelf and look like a small porcelain cat. Then she moves and it freaks people out if they do not know its her. We also call her Dot because she's the cutest. Just like Dot from Animaniacs. |
Ra in a Box - You can usually find Ra in the weirdest places including sinks & boxes. He's the largest cat in the house weighing in at around 25-30 pounds and he is the one cat who find the tiniest places to perch. |