Saturday, February 9, 2013

Pictures Of My Tattoos

I have 3 tattoos. I have pretty much either modified them or drawn them myself.

I am planning on other tattoos. If/when I get them I'll post them.
Judas Priest Spider - This was my first tattoo. I picked a black widow spider and instead of the red hourglass inside it I wanted the JP logo. The words around it are "Rock Hard, Ride Free". I got this tattoo in Hammond, LA.
Eye Of Horus - This was my second tattoo. I got it in Houston, TX when I lived there. Its a bit different from what was on the wall in the tattoo shop. I had the artist embellish it some.
Skull Pentagram - This tattoo I got in Jacksonville, FL. I drew this this tattoo myself and presented it to the tattoo artist. He put it exactly how it was drawn on my left calf. I love skulls & since I do practice magick a pentagram just makes sense and keeps me protected.

Charleston, SC Photos

Just some random photos of Charleston, SC where I currently live.