Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Innocence Plea

Copyright: 9/6/92
copyright 1992 Demented Thinking Productions
Innocence Plea

Live and die for your country, that's what they inbred in your brainwashed mind
War and peace are one in the same, their chains hold you, dotted line signed
Hurry up and wait to die, your ass in Uncle Sam's purgatorious sling
Hell knows no boundaries in world war conflict, madness is undoubtedly king.

Torpedoed by the Japanese sub, blood and life on the line
Ship sinking fast, the salt water gushes over the bow, knowing not what you will find
Eight-hundred eighty-three men washed into the roaring confines of sea
Three-hundred men and a lonely captain left to forget, innocence plea.

Militaristic gods got to put the blame on someone
They ruin one man's life for the hell of it, under the gun.

Shark infested waters breed the black death of unforgettable, lashing teeth
Bloodshed and hallucinogenic insanity for five days, swimming to mirages within the keep
Soldiers ripped in half, your best friend bobbing lifeless in the blink of an eye
How can the military prove innocence guilty, and stand behind all the lies.

General quart-martial proceedings for the captain goes as they had planned
The Hiroshima bomb delivered, all of the U.S. weapons now left unmanned
Busted rank and broken dreams fills his nightmares, no impending solution
Cut-weighed, browbeaten, and defeated by the imperialistic government, horrid conclusion.

Militaristic gods got to put the blame on someone
They ruin one man's life for the hell of it, under the gun.

Flashbacks and ghastly memories of this sea tragedy would not fade
The captain, in his agony, lived by circumstantial mean the military made
Growing harder each morning to face one more depressed hell-ridden day
Nothing left of a once heroic man, drowning in confusion, what could he do or say?

Bright and early the man walks out on his front porch and draws a breath of fresh air
Lays down on the steps with his military charms in hand, and puts the gun to his ear
Here he lies, hopeless and still since his suicide set him free
A man of honor and dignity, gropes for the justice of innocence plea.

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