Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Copyright - 02/02/96

A man lonely and to himself
Tries to right wrongs long past
But his deception stops him
All the hurt, pain and misunderstanding
Old wounds do not mend fast
His deception.

A child unafraid and weary
Tries to understand but can’t
But his deception feeds him
All the sadness, relief and madness
The man just raves and rants
Child’s deception.

A woman caught in the middle and sick
Tries to make unrecognizable peace
But deception keeps her
All the gladness, anger and helping
When will these wars cease?
Her deception.

A family broken and unjustly beaten
Tries to live on sacrifice
But deception holds them together
All the intriguing unraveling
One more roll of the dice
Family deception.

On a whim the man decides to repair
A relationship gone eerily bad
But deception guides him
All the sorrow, horror and pride
Swallowed and he’s been had
Father’s deception.

Will the child accept in the late
An apology not straight from the heart
But his deception allows him
All the pain and time to borrow
Things that should be from the start
Son’s deception.

A mother’s love knows no boundaries
She’s ill but she tries
But deception rapes her
All the spiritual existence
Does not help, she dies
Mother’s deception.

Now the child and father are left
Do they pull themselves together?
But the deception walls them
Through all the pain and anger
They still think of her
Family deception.

The father ignores the child
The child feels shunned and unwanted
But the deception strengthens him
In spite of all the pain and sorrow
Can not forget the things he did
Father’s deception.

A child hurts and wonders why
The father puts him through trials
But the deception moves him
Alone and grievous child moans
Relations severed forgiveness frail
Child’s deception.

Time has past on a bird’s wing
And wounds sift salt and bleed
But the deception eventually kills
The emotional standing point
The father ignores the child’s needs
Family deception.

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