Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Moon Of Doom

The Moon of Doom
Written - 01/23/00

On this dreary night he roams through the empty streets
And he knows not his impending doom for he only believes
That he can live forever, but he is sure to see his fate
From his hiding place in the shadows near and far
Of this night he can say that love and time has faded away.

The beast within knows the untimely bounds of death
And life is just a stones throw away from his past
As he is now the hunted one lurking in the alleys
But does he know his life is at stake this moonlit night
And why does he hide when he is the aggressor and full with pride.

For he knows his time is short and he cannot make humans forget
His deeds of the past, for they do not understand his yearning
They do not understand his triumph, his pain, his agony
And they will strike him down in his hour or complete need
For the humans only see what they want and know where he should be.

This beast of night, oh how does he run when humans know the secrets?
Yet he stands true and fights when cornered and remembers very little
But this beast of the night will die before dawn from the relentless
And reckless misunderstanding of human ideas and thoughts
This beast deserves the finality of death, but can he yet preserve.

Alas, the wolf tracks his prey and cannot help himself as he feeds
On the weakness of death and the clueless importance’s of life
Oh, woe to you, the human who dares trap him and cross him
Woe to those who have kept him and how he flexes and pounces
Will the beast take human captives or will he himself live?

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